Monday, July 5, 2010

Random Thoughts...

Random thoughts on a glorious day...

-To no one's surprise, Michael Steel has popped off...again. This time he's getting heat for saying the Afghan war was not winnable and is a war of President Obama's "choosing." If there's one thing you can without doubt say about the previous administration, it's that they chose the war... and then chose to get distracted by a war that was unnecessary. I think that Steele needs to concentrate more on trying to get Republicans elected in the fall, than trying to be a walking sound byte. The Republicans can get some great grounds in November's elections, but they often act like they've hit a triple when they were born on third base. Truthfully, Steele should have fallen on his sword after the lesbian-bondage club fiasco, but he's pretty much dead man walkin' at this point. And if Ron Paul is the only Republican who comes to your defense, you're screwed. Paul is only a member of the GOP because Libertarians can't win elections.

-Speaking of the walking dead, Larry King is retiring. Finally. King has been behind the times for a decade now, and this is CNN's chance to get fresh again. What CNN needs is a personality transfusion, stat. Wolf Blitzer is dry, Anderson Cooper is dry and the late, lamented Campbell Brown was as dry as the Sahara Desert. You need to get smart again and bring in viewers that are frustrated by the base partanship on both Fox and MSNBC. But is CNN smart enough to do it? They hired this guy after all...

Ahhhhhhh, Rick Sanchez... you never cease to amuse.

-Brock Lesnar came back to submit Shane Carwin at UFC 116 and guaranteed a huge payout to everyone involved. If anything, this shows the difference between MMA and boxing. MMA has one major federation with one man's, Dana White, vision. You have many different stars in MMA that can create excitement. Boxing has seemingly hundreds off different federations, no clear vision, and only two stars (Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao) that can sell tickets. But boxing has sports writers and columnists that remember the good old days, and paid shills like Jim Lampley to downplay MMA's rise. Wish we all had barking dogs in our pockets to shout down our enemies.

-While on the subject of Lesnar and his past occupation, we take a look at Linda McMahon's doomed, doomed campaign for Senate in Connecticut. She is a political nightmare. She is more or less a figurehead for a company that treats its greatest assets (wrestlers) like they were working on a plantation picking cotton. Now both Martha Hart, widow of Owen Hart, and Michael Benoit, father of Chris Benoit, have spoken up about Linda's moral ambiguities. That and all the simulated necrophilia, crucifixtions, dog killing, mocking cancer, making a woman bark like a dog on all fours, a transvestite simulating oral sex, Mae Young giving birth to a hand, Mae Young stripping, choppy choppy pee pee, simulated incest, Billy and Chuck's gay wedding, J.R.'s "colonoscopy," Hot Lesbian Action, 3 simulated deaths (Vince McMahon, Al Wilson and Paul Bearer), inability for Dolph Ziggler to "perform" in a broom closet with Maria that have been on the programming over the years and, last but certainly not least, 6 wrestlers dying on the payroll and more dying after they've been released. McMahon's argument that she wasn't involved in the creative side of things doesn't hold water because if she was really CEO she could have stopped some of those things. Someone had to say that simulating necrophilia is a bad idea... Linda McMahon is a thinly veiled attempt by the WWE to get an insider into Washington to try to prevent a) anti-trust hearings or b) serious reform to an industry that desperately needs it.

-In the grossest thing that people are fascinated with, Joey Chestnut ate 54 hot dogs at the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Competition. Then the stage was rushed by Takeru Kobayashi, the Babe Ruth (I know, I know) of professional eating champions.

This is what years of competing in eating contests does to mental competence.
Stay in school kids!

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