Thursday, July 1, 2010

What the BP oil spill has taught me.

It is a disaster of no end. It has wreaked havoc on a region that is coming close to a complete meltdown. The one thing that the BP oil spill has taught me is that Hollywood is full of crap.

In disaster movie after disaster movie, there is always a rogue scientist that knows what's really going on, and tries to get the evil corporation or the tone deaf government to stop whatever they're doing and "just listen to me." Whether it's Dustin Hoffman in "Outbreak" or Chiwetel Ejiofor in "2012," the rogue scientist with a heart of gold is there to save the day.


There are no super scientists. There's no out of the way scientist who is going to miraculously stop this.

If an asteroid is heading to earth... we're toast. There is going to be panic in the streets and a lot of head scratching on what to do, other than to kiss our butts goodbye. We're not going to see a rescue mission led by Bruce Willis or Robert Duval to land on the rock and blow it up with a nuke.

Hollywood has lead us to believe the impossible. It is this mindset where people look at a disaster and wonder why nothing is being done. Sometimes, there's nothing to be done. We can't predict earthquakes and tsunami's can happen at a moments notice. And when a man-made disaster of biblical proportions happens, you can bet that the company or government that creates it has never thought about the worst case scenario. They've maybe given it lip service, maybe even run computer simulations, but in the end they're as clueless as a monkey with a remote control.

Hollywood has promised us personal jet packs...jet packs! Flying cars and cell phones that don't drop calls (okay, that one is a little far fetched). Maybe it's the Hollywood in all of us that believes that everything will be okay; sometimes it's not going to be. Some times it's just not going to work out.

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